
Showing posts from October, 2020

5 Book reccomdations for spiritual and personal growth — onelife2help blog

One of the best thing for be productive and gain experience from someone who succesfull in them life is  Book as we say that books are our best Friends who give you best advice for how to survive life and run for Thing What actually that's matter lot in our life .    We all show so many books are there in market you cannot read all here we recommended  5 book you has to read before you die so we look one by one books and also we mention them book buying if you like to read you click to link and buy and read that's book . Are you ready? Let's we begin our book recommendations journey... [ 1 ] Autobiography of Yogi • This is book that every successful people read amd may be you listen this book name from successfull peoples it's book about  Spiritual growth    in your life a boy mukhd how he face all problem of life all incident that simple person don't experience and how mukhd become Yogi in him life how Guru give him way to live a life and become good monk . • in o

How to start bussiness ? | 5 things you must find to start your bussiness | onelife2help blog

 You know what our generation are do they never think for them own business or start-up or may be any big thing they don't know " how to start businesse" and mostly take step because of lack experience and lack knowledge or money problems so here we come from your problem solution to start you startup without zero investment. If you relly interested and love to start your own business so you can read this blog it help you lot and make your implement all points what we discuss in this blogspot in this blog we look " how To start businesse and 5 things you must find to start your business".. So here we Go.... #1 Meet people who think like you • we have to side in our generation First is that they never think for business and other side people are who mostly think for start businesse but they have fear about failure and all not having money on hand that's kind of people are help you because you and person who think for business both you have same mindset help o

6 life lesson from Apj Abdul Kalam the missle man with no haters— onelife2help blogs

A great human with zero haters avul pakir jainuladeen Abdul Kalam we all know this great man and also gain so many inspiration come from our dear Kalam sir if you don't know here is some details of kalam sir life . Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist and politician who served as 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007  Born date :- 15 October ,1931 Born place:- Rameshwar ,Tamil nadu Education:- Madras institution of technology Awards :- Bharat Ratna,padma Vibhushan , Hoover medal Autobiography:-  Wings of fire Died:- 27 July ,2015 ( shillon) " Winners are not those who Never fail but those who Never quit". Here ,we start with above inspiration slogan by Abdul Kalam sir in this blog we look 6 life lessons from our grate human great leader  Abdul Kalam . So let's start our Kalam sir journey of lessons... [ 1 ] Be humble • This lesson we all must Learn from Kalam sir because he always be humble for everything we all know Kalam sir how he gate huge success in

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita | Krishna life lesson for human life | read now !

You heard that every successful people say that read Bhagavad Gita you gote your all life problems solutions but still people don't find answer because of them lack of education and big reason that never read Bhagavad Gita we all know Arjun is have so much confusion and fear to war to them who are them child care and support but now Arjun now ready to war for padvas that's why a lord Krishna give Arjun all lesson of this life and also use of Arjun give human life lessons that we show in Bhagavad Gita. In Bhagavad Gita there is lot of learning and lesson you has know about your life amd this planet and make sure you Read  Bhagavad Gita  for your life problems solutions one the biggest thing to learn that consistency towards your goals ad things have to achieve that's all knowledge you gain from Bhagavad Gita. In this blog we look 5 life lessons one by one in detail so Stya with us and drive into Bhagavad Gita knowledge river to soul your all problem and worry... #1 Focus on