
Showing posts with the label #truthoflife

Five bitter truth of Life you must know | learn from that's truth of Life | onelife2help blog |

 One the thing that we never understand that till the end of ourself is that our life so Many people say that my life going so perfect but that's not right everyone have them own problem and weaknesses or felling of failing down in Work and addiction we all know one day we die and in that's journey we show so many miracle and moment that's Crete by God and nature . Yes now you tell me that life have so many truth but that's mostly accept and at the  end that's truth say actual meaning of life so in this blogspot we talk about " Five bitter truth of Life you must know and learn lesson from that's truth " we take all points one by one Stya with us .. Let's we start of know life truths .. #1 We Never understand life  • as we talk some section at the our head section that we never know how everything works for why I get this problem and why I am not gain any knowledge and think about our failure disappointments that's all things we never understand