
Showing posts with the label #publicspeaking#skill

5 principal for public speaking -how to overcome your fear and shyness check now!

you know what most of people have fear of speaking front of people and really nervous when he/she speak in public and yes most of people cannot know the actual methods of speaking and it is Highly recommended skill for your any industry you belong.  Now you say why i learn public speaking skill because i am not going to tedx to give my message and not have any kind of need of this but you remember that when you speak on Front of 5 people it's also called public speaking number does't matter its matter of your skill to deliver your message 5 or 5000 people so this situation you must Learn method of public speaking and if you bulid your own empire you must have leadership quality to push people motivation do work use of speaking skill. So in this blogspot we look 5 principal for your public speaking problem and how to overcome your stage fear and shyness so be read and learn it. #1 Understand your audience • one the biggest mistake most of people is did that they don't Know