
Showing posts with the label #sadhgurubook

Top 5 Life Lesson from Inner Engineering Book By Sadhguru | Isha Foundation | onelife2help Blog |

Now for today world learning make such a huge different in our day to day life people are not have so many sources that they learn like phones, YouTube and make more platform we serve education digitally but one the way that we always gain education about everything is book that create and impact so much in our day to life. So,in this post we talk about one of finest and  powerful spiritual guru and author sadhguru   him book inner engineering book and deep dive into 5 life important lesson we and that lesson change your life totally. We will take one by life lesson in this post so make sure you read this post at the end of post it add so much value in you and your life also so let's get we start. [ 1 ] There are No Good or Bad One of biggest thing that we are face since we start going to school is that teacher, people and parents always try to tell us that this is good and that is  not good but in this world there are no such things exist because what is good or bad is based on o