Top 5 Life Lesson from Inner Engineering Book By Sadhguru | Isha Foundation | onelife2help Blog |

Now for today world learning make such a huge different in our day to day life people are not have so many sources that they learn like phones, YouTube and make more platform we serve education digitally
but one the way that we always gain education about everything is book that create and impact so much in our day to life.

So,in this post we talk about one of finest and  powerful spiritual guru and author sadhguru  him book inner engineering book and deep dive into 5 life important lesson we and that lesson change your life totally.

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We will take one by life lesson in this post so make sure you read this post at the end of post it add so much value in you and your life also so let's get we start.

[ 1 ] There are No Good or Bad

One of biggest thing that we are face since we start going to school is that teacher, people and parents always try to tell us that this is good and that is  not good but in this world there are no such things exist because what is good or bad is based on our past experience and data that we collect from people and society but in this book tell that there are no good or bad is there it just your thought process tell that is good and this bad.

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When You not stuck in good or bad thinking you have always power and confidence in your hand sadhguru tell that when you not stuck in good or bad thinking you break all limitation of you and yourself .

[ 2 ] Yoga is way of unlock your all limitation

We are live in this world where every there are certain limitation are always and most of time we never break that limitation just because someone is not break that limitation that we also not break that limitation that  thinking is always come in our mind but help of yoga and spirituality we break all limitation of going inside ourselves and find who we are and what purpose we come to this world yoga and meditation is help so much way in our life it's highly impact in our life because during your yoga and meditation time you going to another world where you have no  world like limitation once you deep dive into spirituality and yoga you have such tremendous experience in your life.

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When go inside you have such a clarity and you fully understand your self better way once break the limitation that inner you have also power break the limitation are there in outside world that's why start meditation and yoga break and reach limitation where someone is not event think.

[ 3 ] Love is not what do love is start within you 

In our world love is just name of two different people if two people are not there no love are there and most in this time people are running to getting love from others and never focus on them self but this book that love is not what you love is start with you we have parents we are love we have friend we are love them we are not fix that love is happen where i meet his or her in my life love is your inner emotion that you spread to this world .

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We never need to someone else to show our love or start express our love we all have family,friend and pets whom where we love them so much it's not mean that they give back love to us but love and caring is our nature and emotion that we spread to make this world happy and joyfully that why albert Einstein tell "Love is Answer".

[ 4 ] Know your software tool


 Like any application or mobile we have before we have to use we know them function and tool how they all part and tool work because of  this we can smoothly run and use our mobile or application we have in same our body is software where if you know how to operate body all tool you can smoothly and very easy way survive in your life them of this software is that body that's why in this world tell that your journey is with your self and if you not know how my body and things are work you will suffer in your life that's why in this tell that know your software your body well it will help you to run you and your body very easy way.

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Once you know you body and yourself you know what thing i do and what thing i eat and where my body need to take a rest that's why in this book that if you know your software how to work and how to use you will have a good experience and advantage you have.

[ 5 ] Bring Awareness

This point is also connect to software tool that is awareness if you aware about everything you have such a huge power within in yourself because it is awareness that give you clear way and thinking that very important for you it is awareness that help you give right direction toward situation that happened in your life if you aware about your thought if you aware about what you eat what you consume you have so much so clarity in your life that why in yoga awareness is much important.

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Now you have question about how we bring awareness in our life you have to do daily meditation at list 10 min in each day just focus on your breathing process and day by day increase that breathing process in your life once you aware about you body you have power to choose what my body need or what thing i not need it is awareness that make you more intelligent. 


So, that is end of today blog we that this post add some value in your life and if you feel useful make sure you share to others. 

-If you have any kind of suggestion or feedback you can mail us we love to hear your .

-Thanks you so much for visit us.

-Onelife2help (Team)



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