5 principal for public speaking -how to overcome your fear and shyness check now!

you know what most of people have fear of speaking front of people and really nervous when he/she speak in public and yes most of people cannot know the actual methods of speaking and it is Highly recommended skill for your any industry you belong.

 Now you say why i learn public speaking skill because i am not going to tedx to give my message and not have any kind of need of this but you remember that when you speak on Front of 5 people it's also called public speaking number does't matter its matter of your skill to deliver your message 5 or 5000 people so this situation you must Learn method of public speaking and if you bulid your own empire you must have leadership quality to push people motivation do work use of speaking skill.5 principle for public speaking banner

So in this blogspot we look 5 principal for your public speaking problem and how to overcome your stage fear and shyness so be read and learn it.

#1 Understand your audience

• one the biggest mistake most of people is did that they don't Know About where is my audience come and What background of them all and start talking about things what he/she know so this is not a good public speaking for example if you have experience About Spiritual things so Your most of audience love to hear you or may be you have good knowledge of business so your audience most of come from business background.

•so this is essentially that you know who is my audience and how I communicate to them onces you understand your audience well your perspective is connect to your audience and your all confusion and fear is gone when you know who is my audience and What i learn to them.

Understand your audience /blogs about stories /5 principle for public speaking

•evey time when you go to any place where you deliver your message you must check Audience perspective and background.

#2 prepare and organize your message what you give you to your audience?

• most of people don't organize them content or message that he/she deliver to whole audience and for Result he/she is so many confusion and stress level high in he/shd mind another thing are rotated and this between mind is not present so that's he/she looking so confuse and still forgot what he/she tell to people for this reason you must prepare and organize your content or message well so people are easily connect with you.

•when you organize your point and topics a clear picture is on your mind and your fear or remembering is gone and audience attract to your talk now whenever you go to speak in public please make sure your organize and prepare your speech well.

Prepare & orgnize your message /blog about stories/5 principle for public speaking /second point

• when you prepare and organize your message well your mind is free and clear picture of topics in your eye and for this help your stage fear is gone you clear about your thoughts what you deliver to people in public.

#3 Good story telling art you learn

• you notice that when someone say story your all attention is on them talk because a particular person know the art of story telling and every corporate world people are have one leaders and them leader have an art of story telling and that push them all employee Very high level of motivation to do work and lead them company this is power of public speaking and story Telling art .

•you must learn art of story telling because as we talk In previous topic people are connect with you very easily if you prepare your topic well and art of story telling to build curiosity to all people mind now you ask question that I don't know story telling I don't have that skill right ?

• so solution Is so simple you watch Ted talk about all successful people keep learn from them also you can check in YouTube you show animated videos of story telling and explore to them.

Good story telling art you learn /blog about stories /5 principle for public speaking /Third point

• once you master in story telling people are love to hear you and keep interested one your talk but as I mention this is art you learn from others and then try to yourself to Story telling.

#4 Again and again practice

• Nobody is perfect a practice make man perfect remember this golden statement you don't know how i overcome stress and anxiety practice it to live in  more positivity and more connect with your Close onces as every Work you did practice is essential for always for your education as well as your career Goal .

•Now you have power of technology just take a phone start recording on your front camera observe every single reaction of your recording keep record again and again may be your took 100 time shoot give your perfect video but in 101 attempt you is now have so much confidence and your stess and shyness is gone it's help of technology you to it !

Again & again practise /blog about stories /5 principle for public speaking /fourth point

• so that why practice and practise again and again that bulid your confidence as well as skill of talking people more And more easily and for Very work practise is key is gate success on your work remember that point for your future and career.

#5 maintain body language use LSS formula

• you know your body language when you have any kind of emergency and critical situation and that's also observed by people when you have lack of confidence and law level of skill of talking to people Your body movement kept by people and understand your whole situation if you have confused or Street for example if you walk again and again one object to another object or you tapping your leg again and again on stage so that's sign that you nervous and you are very confused in your speech.

• most of people are don't know how to maintain body language when you attract with people in public so our recommendations for your perfect body language when speak in public use LSS formula(look speak and smile) .

•L mean look that's means when you deliver your message to whole people you must look to people again and again that is sign that you are confident and easily to deliver your message and also people are attract with you.

•S mean speak after look again and again you continue your thoughts what you deliver front of people who are listen you.

• S mean smile and when you have little bit smile on your face when you talk or give speech to people that say that you are naturally behave and yourself give you positivity sign that help you to overcome stress and shyness.

Body language use LSS formula /blog about stories /5 principle for public speaking / fith point

•for successfully speech use this formula ( not smile everytime otherwise people are think you made ) First look your audience maintain eye contact and then speak your topic between this maintain little bit smile on your face you would maintain calm and campus attitude.

• you can check about this article to know more aboutBody language or for bulid good communication .

So,this all 5 principal of public speaking that help you to overcome your shyness and stage fear.



-Our team thanksfull to you to visit us and hope your valuable time give you valuable knowledge about public speaking.
- thanks you much for visit our page give your attention and golden time we wish for your good success in your life.
- Stya tune for upcoming blog and knowledgeable content or any queries or feedback you have our team love to hear you.
- Nikhil(Team)


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