How to start bussiness ? | 5 things you must find to start your bussiness | onelife2help blog

 You know what our generation are do they never think for them own business or start-up or may be any big thing they don't know " how to start businesse" and mostly take step because of lack experience and lack knowledge or money problems so here we come from your problem solution to start you startup without zero investment.

How to start busssines baner photo /

If you relly interested and love to start your own business so you can read this blog it help you lot and make your implement all points what we discuss in this blogspot in this blog we look " how To start businesse and 5 things you must find to start your business"..

So here we Go....

#1 Meet people who think like you

• we have to side in our generation First is that they never think for business and other side people are who mostly think for start businesse but they have fear about failure and all not having money on hand that's kind of people are help you because you and person who think for business both you have same mindset help of this you soul all problem what you face in business beginning face .

• so whenever you feel alone for start your business meet people who have same mindset like you and that's kind of people have already plan and mindset to how set all Thing of business so you must people who think like you .

Meet people who think like you photo /

• we all know so many platform which provide us connection and learning for our you must join LinkedIn  and Quora.

#2 Know someone strength and skill approach them work for you

• Now you think that what you say is not possible no one can work for me it's not possible but you know what once time you try you gate success people are very hungry for opportunity and work and if you know them skill and strength it's plus point for your business That why in business beginning stages find people strength and skill approach them.

• once you convince them work for you a your work flow going automation and you focus on long term situation or future of your business but as a leader respect people who work for you they just not employee for your they are family for you appreciate them work.

Know people strength and skill photo /onelife2help

• aging we suggest you to join social platform like LinkedInFever ,Upwork that platform give you Clear picture about particular person strength and skill .

#3 Have long term goal in your mind 

• once you figure out your  company position and hire people where they work now you have long term goal in your head because you don't settle on small goal every business have them Long term vision and that vision are important for them businesse you have clear vision or image for  your start-up this push people work for vision and having clear vision you always motivate to do your best .

• that's why long term goal always important for your future business before you start a business take a moment write down your long term goals and thing that you work in future and add value in people Life through your business.

Have long term goal photo /onelife2help

• so whenever you start your business be aware for your long term goal .

#4 Choose your niche and target audience

• mostly people make that mistake that's why they gate failure in them startup they think for particular situation related bussiness like Diwali come so they startup business about Diwali that's small think is not run for your buddy that's why be have your selected niche that's give you Clear picture about your businesse.

• After choose your niche be aware with your target audience and most After run bunch of ads and promotions and collaborate with other you don't gate success fastly everything take time all things be have Patience and stamina to work for people and your business.

Choose niche and target audience photo /

• that's why be sure for your Niche and target audience well and be patience for your business.

#5 A Sales  strategy and planning

• as we talk about it our in above topic that everything take time for growth and daily action that's why you need Clear planning for your business and sales strategy always been an important for your business if you don't have strategy to how sell my product or service you cannot survive in this market that's be have sales strategy for sell your product and service.

• once you have clear Sales strategy now you set plans for particular Process because one by one process help to reach people Very well and connect your to your business easily.

A sales strategy and planning photo /

• A Sales strategy for your product or service know where you places your business and how I convince or make product quality good having sales plan is advantage for your business and put point to customer mind a perfect process of selling products or services is put impact on your revenue.

Our bonus tips !

*  Start with digital platform * 

- we all know how social media platforms change everything in just second you start your business with social platform like YouTube ,or Freelancing if you have e ability to tech people you must choose YouTube and we all know Ranveer allahbadia how he Start him journey from YouTube and how he have two startup running in recent Monk -entertainment and Beer biceps so make sure Your bussiness journey start with digital platform .




- So, here is end of today blog hope you enjoy and gain knowledge about how you start your business without money also implement or figure that points that's we cover in this blogspot.

- If you have any kind of question or query you can comment and you join Our family we really glad to hear you.

- Thanks you so much for visit us !

- Nikhil (Team ).


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