5 Book reccomdations for spiritual and personal growth — onelife2help blog

One of the best thing for be productive and gain experience from someone who succesfull in them life is Book as we say that books are our best Friends who give you best advice for how to survive life and run for Thing What actually that's matter lot in our life .


Books you must read banner photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

We all show so many books are there in market you cannot read all here we recommended  5 book you has to read before you die so we look one by one books and also we mention them book buying if you like to read you click to link and buy and read that's book .

Are you ready? Let's we begin our book recommendations journey...

[ 1 ] Autobiography of Yogi

• This is book that every successful people read amd may be you listen this book name from successfull peoples it's book about Spiritual growth   in your life a boy mukhd how he face all problem of life all incident that simple person don't experience and how mukhd become Yogi in him life how Guru give him way to live a life and become good monk .

Autobiography of Yogi photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• in our life Guru and mentor are key of our successful life in this biography you showhow all Guru who are have energy of nature and God and how he meet those all Guru .

Herr ,is link for buy book in both languages

English :- https://amzn.to/2HvahEp

Hindi :- https://amzn.to/34ujCF1

[ 2 ] Life amazing secrets

• one of the most famous and youngest guru of our generation is Gaur Gopal das we all know who is and if you spend lot of time on YouTube you may be visit or listen them viral video on YouTube he also write him life lesson book and put so much effort and lot of learning about him journey to monosotry to monk and how we enjoy him life journey with Single photo of one car gaur Gopal das give all life lesson and how balance our life car.

Life amazing secrets by Gopal das photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• you also show story behind how gopal das Guru become famous through them viral YouTube videos and story behind at all how we become Person who ride our life car well balance through our work , relationship and failure such an amazing you must read it.

Here, is link of book in both languages ans also mention Gaur Gopal das social media handle you must follow

English :- https://amzn.to/35BRGOW

Hindi :- https://amzn.to/3kBinJC

Instagram :- https://instagram.com/gaurgopaldas?igshid=1b24yrquzaryg

YouTube :- https://www.youtube.com/c/GaurGopalDas

[ 3 ] Bhagavad Gita

• If you don't Read any single book in your  life but  onces you read Bhagvad Gita you don't need to all of book of life and personal growth Thing why people are say that open Bhagavad Gita you got your problem solution because they read and after reading Bhagvad gita you have so much potential to find your all life problems questions a one the most important mentor A lord Krishna give you lesson so why you ignore him you must read Bhagavad Gita before you end your life journey.

Bhagvad Gita photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• our all human life related questions you find in Bhagavad Gita how we connect to this world what is Karma rule tell and important of soul and meditation and all .

Here,is look Bhagvad Gita both languages

[ 4 ] Think like a monk

• I know you heard that name one of most famous of book by write by Jay Shetty an amazing human being he is onces you listne him voice and show lesson how he explain you become fans of him and recently he launch him book think like book and it is most selling book ever in world wide in this book you learn so many things how think like monk how set purpose and clarity in our life and it's book that's help in both Personal growth and spiritual growth also.

Think like a monk photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• Jay Shetty is always have positivity and knowledge that he spread through him book and also social media channels and more focus on relationship problems how you become good person and thinking like monk our team highly recommended you to read this book.

Aging we list a link of book  and social media channels of Jay Shetty you must visit and follow

[ 5 ] Time management 

• Time always important for us and we all waste life in other unnecessary things and it is necessary to Know how much time we have and what is important our time why people say time is money because every successful person know how manage time and buld something in limited time so in this book you find all time management questions and how you manage your time and importance of time .

Time management photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• This book help you to realise what's important of time and how much time we have in our life every person need to manage them time so that's Every Person who value Time and think for how I manage my team so they always buy this book for manage him/her life and also you find this book in less than 100 page you understand time and time value.

Here,is link of book in both language



-  so that's end of this blogspot hope you enjoy This book recommendations journey and also buy book that's help you to grow in your life and also comments which book you love to read in this 5 books.

- Thanks you so much Visit us and if you have any kind of feedback and suggestions you mail us and comment us we love to hear you.

- Nikhil ( Team )


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