6 life lesson from Apj Abdul Kalam the missle man with no haters— onelife2help blogs

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam / onelife2help.blogspot.com
A great human with zero haters avul pakir jainuladeen Abdul Kalam we all know this great man and also gain so many inspiration come from our dear Kalam sir if you don't know here is some details of kalam sir life .

Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist and politician who served as 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007 

  • Born date :- 15 October ,1931
  • Born place:- Rameshwar ,Tamil nadu
  • Education:- Madras institution of technology
  • Awards :- Bharat Ratna,padma Vibhushan , Hoover medal
  • Autobiography:- Wings of fire
  • Died:- 27 July ,2015 ( shillon)

" Winners are not those who Never fail but those who Never quit".

Here ,we start with above inspiration slogan by Abdul Kalam sir in this blog we look 6 life lessons from our grate human great leader Abdul Kalam.

So let's start our Kalam sir journey of lessons...

[ 1 ] Be humble

• This lesson we all must Learn from Kalam sir because he always be humble for everything we all know Kalam sir how he gate huge success in him life but Kalam Never try heart someone or society of people .

• that's why be humble in every situation and humbleness always give you true feeling to be calm and campus for take Decision don't use angry behiour because people are more like who have behiour of humble for everything.

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam /first lesson / be humble / onelife2help.blogspot.com

" It is very easy to defeat someone but it is very hard to win someone". 

 - Dr .Apj Kalam

[ 2 ] surround yourself people who support you 

• Everything Kalam sir have because of them people who support in childhood age Kalam Friend jaludeen always say to Kalam that be learn to calm and campus to take your decision work hard for your vision you make and also Kalam father always support him and help of people who push Kalam sir very humble and hard working man.

• Kalam sir this happened give lesson that be surround yourself people who support you and give right guidance and way to achieve your dreams and visions and say you what to do ? And what not to do ? Help this motivation and inspiration come from people who look to you to gate success in your life.

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam /second lesson /surround yourself people who support you /onelife2help.blogspot.com

" You were born with wings don't Crawl learn to use them to fly and fly".

- Dr.Apj Kalam

[ 3 ] Have dream or vision in your life

• Kalam sir always tell us that having dream is your one of best things you have because Kalam always believe in dream or vision in Kalam sir life he have dream to become a scientist in him life Kalam sir try to become good person who have clear vision to go my path and in every situation kalam sir always for them vision or dreams is become Indian scientist in aerospace and Kalam achieved this dream in 1958 he join defence research development organization.

• That third lesson much more important for youngsters and student's who age of 16-24 begcause they all have some dream or something they achieve in them life that's why having drema or vision always necessary for every person who live this life.

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam /third lesson /have drema or vision in your life /onelife2help.blogspot.com

" If you want to shine like a sun Frist burn like a sun ".

- Dr.Apj Kalam

[ 4 ] Difficulties help you to enjoy success 

• we all have difficulties and problem in our life and Kalam sir Also have difficulties and him but they never try to be upset and think about I am not face this difficulties or problems which come in my life but Kalam always think different and enjoy difficulties in Him life become scientist to our 11th President of India Kalam enjoy difficulties and  thi difficulties relly require for gate success in your life.

• yes I know you also have difficulties and problem but don't worry it's necessary to enjoy your success and always think different in your life as a Kalam sir say always find difficulties in your life is your true success that's why enjoy difficulties.

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam /fourth lesson / difficulties help you to enjoy success /onelife2help.blogspot.com

" To succeed in your mission you must have single minded devotion to your goal".

- Dr.apj Kalam 

[ 5 ] failure is part of your life

• one of the biggest lesson you learn from your failure and Kalam sir Also have so many failure in him life like fail 2 time in mission of aerospace and also accept so many criticizing from people but Kalam sir know to gate success in life you must face lot of failure in your life and it's co to teach so much in your life .

• Be consider your failure as your key for gate success which Frist give you to Key to unlock your success lock but after first key failure now you know which Key is unlock my success lock so be accept failure in your life .

6 life lesson from abul Kalam /fifth lesson /failure is part of your life /onelife2help.blogspot.com
" Never complain about the difficulties in life because a director( God) always gives the honest Roles to his best actor".

- Dr.apj Kalam 

[ 6 ] Work hard for your vision 

• There are no short cuts in your life to gate success in your life and Kalam truly believe in hard work he never take short cuts for gate success in him life and as we First discuss have vision is help you always and Kalam sir work at list 18 hours in Single day infect in death day he give lecture to student in college and kalam always work hard for gate everything in him life.

• success is not about how to start and how you finish but in this start to finish between how much you work is matter lot in life remember that.

6 life lesson from Apj abdul Kalam /sixth lesson /work hard for your vision/onelife2help.blogspot.com

" Without your involvement you can't succeed with your involvement you can't fail".

- Dr.apj Kalam

So ,this is end of today blog hope you enjoy This blogspot and learn lesson from our amazing human Dr.apj Kalam and also you implement that's lesson in your life.



-Our team thanksfull to you to visit our blog and give your golden time and read us if you have any kind of feedback you have you can comment we are relly looking forward to hear you .

- highly recommendation to read biography of Kalam sir " wings of fire ".

- Nikhil(team )


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