5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita | Krishna life lesson for human life | read now !

You heard that every successful people say that read Bhagavad Gita you gote your all life problems solutions but still people don't find answer because of them lack of education and big reason that never read Bhagavad Gita we all know Arjun is have so much confusion and fear to war to them who are them child care and support but now Arjun now ready to war for padvas that's why a lord Krishna give Arjun all lesson of this life and also use of Arjun give human life lessons that we show in Bhagavad Gita.

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita | onelife2help.blogspot.com

In Bhagavad Gita there is lot of learning and lesson you has know about your life amd this planet and make sure you Read Bhagavad Gita for your life problems solutions one the biggest thing to learn that consistency towards your goals ad things have to achieve that's all knowledge you gain from Bhagavad Gita.

In this blog we look 5 life lessons one by one in detail so Stya with us and drive into Bhagavad Gita knowledge river to soul your all problem and worry...

#1 Focus on Karma not in result

• most of people don't take this line or lesson very seriously because they are too busy to making more and more money rate race you know what actually definition of Karma that you work for people growth and never did anything wrong which is again law of God and nature that's as Krishna say " do your Karma result it's not your hand and waiting for reward and result for your Karma it is not religion of your.

• as everyone say that " what you do today for your growth and money it's come in future " may be you do good or may be you do bad but it's all come through your Karma don't blame to people and situation you are responsible for everything what you gate in your life .

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita / focus on Karma not in result / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• so first lesson all about that you must focus ok your Karma not on result or reward.

#2 Be control your senses

• you listen thar two mind that work in our body conscious and subconscious it's our mind type in which we stores Every all experience knowledge and everything what happened in our day to day life that's experience and knowledge is reflection of our behiour and all behiour come from our 6 senses .

• as a Krishna in Bhagavad Gita " a person who cannot control him/her mind that mind reflect like enemy for him/her life.

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita / be control your senses /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• so make sure you always try to control your all Senses and mind for this observe good content,good music and feel inner peace of your mind to Seat with nature environment.

#3 Be believe in Krishna

• it's one big lesson we have from Bhagavad Gita that Krishan say to arjun that you have any kind of problem or have any confusion please come to me I will protect and Your all problem as a line said more about how you believe or lord Krishna" शौख मैरी भक्ती मै खौजा मै तूमहै मुकती दुगा" it's say to arjun to Krishna forgot your confusion come in my blessings I will you path to survive war life Journey.

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita /be believe In krishna / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• That's why be Believe in krishna or every religion you follow it's must note that we are life and this life give by our parents and God so be believe in your religion God .

#4 Meditate your inner soul for peace

• when Arjun mind goes everywhere and not stay in present moment Krishna say that to Arjun that one the best thing for people Life is that them inner soul and this soul never ne died or destroyed it go one body to another body that's why it is only way to connect with god give your soul to inner peace feeling help of daily meditation or yoga.

• be Meditate in daily morning at list 10 minutes it's give you power go Handle all problem and confusion thay you face like Arjun face in padvas ans courovs war .

5 life lesson from Bhagavad Gita/ meditate your inner soul for peace /onelife2help.blogspot.com

 • Having habit of meditation it's give you calmness and calmness help you make right decision every silent people who do more speaker less they are habit of meditation.

• so important form this point that Be Meditate for your inner soul for your inner calmness and understand your life decisions.

#5 Maintain your emotions and feelings what's come in your life 

• If you have habit of thinking about all things and moment who makes you more emotional person and gives sign to your self that I am week now so be live in past and thinking about people opinions them hate them thought it's all are come to broke your self believe make your emotional person .

• having habit of thinking more and more be emotionally attached for something and feeling so low level you don't survive in this life journey you are broke everytime because you take all things seriously and feeling emotionally everytime.

5 life lesson form bhagavad Gita / maintain  your emotions and feelings what's come in your life /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• Krishan also said to Arjun that don't be more emotional about your family members they are died already you just war to win this battle and having emotional feeling is broke you so many time and it's tough to overcome this habit of thinking emotionally.

• as we mention all things control through help of meditation challenge your self to that's don't take people hate people thought and everytime think like emotionally person you have long journey camp keep toward and focus on your Karma .

So , this is the end of today blog hope you gain knowledge of Bhagavad Gita and that's 5 life lessons you implement in your life .



- Our team highly recommended to you that please buy Bhagavad Gita or listen audio book of Bhagavad Gita your all problem solution is mostly you find .

- if you have any kind id feedback or suggestions you must tell us we are love to hear you 

- Thanks you so much for visit us !

- Nikhil (tram)


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