
5 Sign of Most Highly Intelligent People | Sign of Intelligence In Human | by onelife2help blog

 Most Of Time Human Are Know By How they talk how they behave everything is tested by people and after that people tell how he or she is so in blog we talk about some sign that show how intelligence you are according to your specific sign if you don't have any kind of sign that we mention don't worry you can build that sign in your life also. So, we take a look one by sign of intelligent  so make sure you read that blog post that might be so important for build intelligence in you. #1 Deeply Connect With Themselves So, here is the first sign of intelligent people is that he or she always connect with themselves and that sign tell that he or she person is intelligent enough to understand him or her self and also people and always remember in life there no journey to find outside thing you have to know and deeply connect with your self in your life always.  You can also build that sign of intelligent and know your self always is better way to understand how you think and how to

What Lockdown and Corona Teach Us To Human ? | 2021 lesson from life | onelife2help Blog| Read Now!

We are Suffer from corona from last 2 year show such big change in human life this 2 year are tell so many thing to us we show people how they are suffer from pain and lose of them family member but in tough situation we many positive thing are happened in human life so in this blog we take look some teach lesson than corona and lockdown teach us . So, in this blog we take look a 5 lesson that corona and lockdown teach us and hope you must accept that lesson you also learn from this past 2 year one thing that we all human know that there are so many problem are come and go but in this tough situation some lesson and positivity are there and it will help to you to rise from difficult situation of your life . [ 1 ] Mental Health Is More Important Than Physical Health  In this lockdown time we are most in home and mostly people are lose them job and everything them work are stop and them family are suffer to getting food and medical service for this most of people are create mental fear

What Type of Business Are Grow High On Future ?| 5 Type of Business You Start to Make Money In Future|onelife2help blog

There are Many Type of Business Are Running in our world and each business have uniqueness to make profit and give service to people life and providing them product or service lot of people are wish to start business but them fear and thinking about failure always hold them back and them wish become just wish for them. One of First Question In Every Person Mind About Business ! Why I Start Business and what kind of business i start and give product or  service to people. Answer of Question of why I start a business is that you have one goal and purpose behind each business or organize you start remember why you start and where you want to show in 5 year and answer of second question is that you find problem in people life where they are suffer get thing and stuff once you find the actual think behind human what kind of service they need and show this product or service soul them problem that two thing you must know before we going to give 5 business ideas that make money and growth in

5 Import Lesson from Jay Shetty | Author of Think like a Monk| OnPurpose Podcaster| onelife2help Blog|

There are so many people who are make this world more and  more beautiful and always spread positivity and serve to all the people who are need some kind of motivation and energy and that's people are famous and mostly contribute in this world to change people life and tell them truth and life lesson they are suffer lot and pass so many difficulty in them life but today they are successful in  them and focus on make change in people life there are bunch of list of people who are stand to serve us in this list today we talk about new York best selling book " Think Like A monk " and that book Author Jay Shetty .  Some detail and history about Jay Shetty life  Born: 6 September 1987  (age 33) In business school, Shetty met Gauranga Das, a monk invited to speak at the school on  selflessness  and living a minimalist lifestyle.  Shetty spoke with Das after his talk and followed him for the remainder of Das's  lecture circuit  around the  United Kingdom . He spent four summ

How to Control your mind and Emotion| 5 way for control your mind | onelife2help blog

Human mind are have huge power do anything in them life but most of us don't know how to run our mind in effective way because we always have some kind of another belief and pattern that make us more lazy and not growing up in our life science proof that human mind do everything what they think but we know the some brilliant mind like Elon musk, bill gates , ratan tata ,apj apdual kalam , everyone have such huge power because they train them mind to grow and take decision very impactfully and without any stress they taken. So, now you understand today topic is that how to control your mind and emotions if you really become successful you must have control on your mind and emotion we all know it's Arjun mind that make him more small and then Lord Krishna tell the truth about mind and emotion that how you win your mind person who will him/her mind that become what they think that why's we really share this important topic of mind to our visitors to help to control your min