How to Control your mind and Emotion| 5 way for control your mind | onelife2help blog

Human mind are have huge power do anything in them life but most of us don't know how to run our mind in effective way because we always have some kind of another belief and pattern that make us more lazy and not growing up in our life science proof that human mind do everything what they think but we know the some brilliant mind like Elon musk, bill gates,ratan tata,apj apdual kalam, everyone have such huge power because they train them mind to grow and take decision very impactfully and without any stress they taken.

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So, now you understand today topic is that how to control your mind and emotions if you really become successful you must have control on your mind and emotion we all know it's Arjun mind that make him more small and then Lord Krishna tell the truth about mind and emotion that how you win your mind person who will him/her mind that become what they think that why's we really share this important topic of mind to our visitors to help to control your mind.

#1 Be Practice

Every thing we learn we need to make practice and after a practice we are ready to do every work that we practices same for mind you must do practice to control your mind no one mind is really powerful but practice make them brain powerful that's why be practice to control your inner emotion and pattern that work in your mind.


Once start this way you show change in you and that change make you more powerful and intelligent in your day to day life but you must need dedication to fight to your mind and emotions.

 #2 Give Space to Yourself

One of biggest problem in our life that we don't have time for our self we are so much busy on our work and express someone and always surround our self to negative and situation that subconscious give us negative feel and emotion just because this most of human are average they never grow that's why make sure you take time for yourself and ask everything and feel the emotions that come through your mind.


When you give space to yourself you observe every single thought and feeling come to your head and you deeply connect that emotions and understand and decide what is right or wrong that's why no mater how much busy you are take time for your mind and observe all the things that going happened in your brain.

#3 Take a deep breath and feel your emotions

I know you think why taking deep breath must you know what that whatever situation are happened in our life our breath tell the how that situation is like if you happy and seat with people you like you take very slow breath and when you feel any stress for something your breath speed in very high that all thing you control if you take a deep breath and feel your inner emotion what that all tell you once you focus on breath you become more calm and that calmness help you to pull down your emotion and you control the situation.


Taking deep breath is habit that make you more calm person and calm person always have some kind of self observation you how and what thing is happened in mind and how i react to that particular situation.

#4 Don't give your mind control other people hand 

Mind have to side of one coin in one side we are have power do anything and other side we are have feel depress for everything and worry for every small thing but most of us we are not happy up to our self think but we are depend on someone option and that think what they tell us if we do and if we do not do this reason of this people are not have control on them mind because them mind in control by other people and that kind of people are never grow in them life. 


Remember you are do everything what you think but if you give control to other so your lose are always there and that lose are always are hit on your mind so today stop give your mind control to other like what they think, what tell need or how i look that's all decision in your never depend on any one option or talk.

#5 Keep Journal with you

This way is every one is use because this is way where we finish our all the drama and emotions are created in our mind most people are live them every single day with full of problem and emotions and because of that  they have bunch of information in them head and after that information full people mind are overload and that's why them mind take control on them self that's why they react what they mind tell.


When you have journal with you and your mind all thought and emotions you write in journal so your control goes to your journal note and after you write this whole day thought and things gone happened in whole day you realize where i wrong and where i need to take this or that decision and it's all about identity your emptions and thought that continues run your mind so start write all the emptions and focus on control where i want to go and where i fight to mind to perform particular task.


-So, that is end of today's our topic hope we are help in some ways to soul your problem of controlling your mind and emotions.

-if your like this post make sure your share to your people who need to control them mind and emotions and if you have any kind of feedback related our blogsite you must send us mail we are love to hear what our visitors tell us.

-Thanks you!

-Onelife2help (Team)


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