What Lockdown and Corona Teach Us To Human ? | 2021 lesson from life | onelife2help Blog| Read Now!

We are Suffer from corona from last 2 year show such big change in human life this 2 year are tell so many thing to us we show people how they are suffer from pain and lose of them family member but in tough situation we many positive thing are happened in human life so in this blog we take look some teach lesson than corona and lockdown teach us .

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So, in this blog we take look a 5 lesson that corona and lockdown teach us and hope you must accept that lesson you also learn from this past 2 year one thing that we all human know that there are so many problem are come and go but in this tough situation some lesson and positivity are there and it will help to you to rise from difficult situation of your life .

[ 1 ] Mental Health Is More Important Than Physical Health

 In this lockdown time we are most in home and mostly people are lose them job and everything them work are stop and them family are suffer to getting food and medical service for this most of people are create mental fear in them mind and that fear are take step to suicide and finish them life and most of people are die from fear of corona even if they not have any change in them self it just them mental fear that push them to mental lose and self lose.

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First lesson that corona teach us that we are not aware about mental health and after corona is come people are now more aware about mental health and being health and happy in mentally is more important in physical health.

[ 2 ] We Have Equal Solution In Every Problem 

As Lord Krishna Tell us that where is problem is create also solution is create that why we have pass through so many difficult in our life since past 2 year from this pandemic so many people are day to day help each other people who are suffer from pain and not getting one time food so many organization are stand day and night to helping people who need people serve oxygen and distribute tank of oxygen to give life to lot of people that's why lockdown teach us that if we think that we have always solution in our life.

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When we Heard news of that this or that people are help and save them life we feel so peace and tell this or that people to give more and more power and strength to help each other that's why in this lockdown we figure out that problem are come to tell that we  have test our life difficulty and find solution in life.

[ 3 ] Know Yourself From Inner Side

 Before corona or lockdown thing not happened we are go to office, school and every place where our life growth and work are there we are continues busy  with people and our work not finding our self our just running to dealing meeting ,sleeping and all in this all days we are never spend time with our self and not asking what thing and what purpose we come to this world in lockdown we are home and most of time we are with our self and that time is best time that we are spending to know our self from our inner side external happened we can't handled but inner situation is in our hand that's why in lockdown personally i find my self very well understanding how and what thing that i approve most in my life for upcoming future opportunity and all.

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Spending time with yourself is best investment that you make for better future and upcoming difficult you face so that's why lockdown give us that break to understand our self first and stop busy in daily work routine and start making time for you.

[ 4 ] Technology Change World

In This Tough situation every one is block in home no human are allowed to outside of house and going office and all company are fire people just because they not have any money to dealing with this pandemic our education is stop human basic need are selling is stop every thing is stop but thanks to technology soul our most of problem in this time period of lockdown where people are not able to go physical at office and start working education is not stop online planform save us to waste of time and not getting education  this lockdown phase bunch of software and technology is come and help of this they soul problem of most people and create job other for also and that is big thing that technology give us in this 2 year.

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In This Phase of lockdown internet and technology growth are so high that company are not even expect in this recent two year and yes technology is tool to make good product which help to lot of people to make them thing smooth and easy.

[ 5 ] Live In Present

 Now Days most of people are stop worry so much for tomorrow start living in present and that matter most in human life in lockdown people are taking so much worry for tomorrow but after some time people are now getting involve to  live in present and spread positivity around us and we are human we don't know what thing happened in tomorrow so why worry and start living today that matter most in our life that's why corona teach us that stop worry for tomorrow and remember your worry never take any solution in your life that's why live in present is gift that god give you accept and enjoy it.

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  Your life in present and that present in happiness for you explore and start living  experience your each day of your life corona teach that make your self visible in present life when you sleep at night you never know that i wake up or not at next day so if you show next morning in your life so that is gift that god give to enjoy and live your present that corona and lockdown teach us to many human who continues worry for tomorrow and not enjoy them present.

Note:- Please Wear Mask and Wash Your Hand when you go outside of home and stay safe.



So, That is end of today blog  hope you learn something valuable from this post and if you find any helpful then share to your people.

Thanks You So much for Visit us !

-Onelife2Help (Team) 




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