
How to build successful website ?| 8 simple step for make your site successful run smoothly | onelife2help blog

World are run so fast and day to day new product and technology are lunch thanks to internet help us to find our problem solution in online just in second and we all know in online there are two way company or person are online and serve them service first is website and second is application we all know thousands and crore website are there but they never show at top of search just because people are not taking them service no but just because they don't know how one successful website is create and run. so,in this post we look 7 step that you follow and successfully create your website as well as make revenue from that website so make sure you read this blog at the end . Step 1 :- Find problem in Market    You know what there are lot of problem are there in each industry and so many company and people are word so hard to soul that kind of problem and always remember there no scope if you don't define your purpose and strong solution for people that's why find big problem

How to control you anger in every difficult situation | 5 tips to control your anger| onelife2help blog

Our world of human we are face so many difficulties in our day to day life and everyone feel anger when something is not going happened in them way that's why them angriness made him/her very unconfident and every anger situation is give us wrong decision at time and then we suffer lot in our life because when you not control your anger feeling so it damage lot of thing in your life. so, in this topic we will give some tips that change you anger behavior and make you more calm and remember every decision need some kind of peace and calm so we will take changes in life and grow in our life so make sure you implement that some of tips that help you lot to deal in every anger situation of your life.   [1] Have control in your mind Most of us human being not have  any kind of control in our life because when we thing every thing is right and always your mind negative side but truth that if you don't control your situation  so mind control you so make sure have control on your mi

How to stop laziness in your life | 4 way to say no laziness | onelife2help blog | read now!

Every human have huge power and talent do some extraordinary things in them life but there are always one reason behind every unsuccessful people that they always feel laziness in them life and this laziness never push them self to do some extraordinary things and at the end result is someone is succeed and you are still there where you start. laziness is create such big problem in our life yes every one feel lazy i am also but if you not aware for this bad habit your whole life is going so fast you realize one day that my whole life i am nothing do in my life because of one bad habit that laziness.      So, in this BlogSpot we give you 4 way to stop laziness and chase your goal and succeed in your life so make sure you read this blog at end we give you bonus way also at the end of this blog . here we go... ( 1 ) Don't work in comfort zone  We all have this life and in this life everyone have them work related to them industry for where they work or studying most of student feel l

How to be maintain positive attitude in your life ? | 5 way to be positive | lesson by Jeff Keller | onelife2help blog| read now!

In this world every  one pass through them problem and pain but most of human life is surround in lot of opinion and rejection  people are so angry for every single thing happened in them life ya we all have two types of attitude positive and negative you know what most of people are always look thing in negative way that's why them life is suffer and they also suffer so in this BlogSpot we talk about how you maintain positive attitude in your life which way to maintain positive attitude in your life and also feel change in your life and that's all tips are from book attitude is everything by Jeff Keller.   so, as we talk about in our header section now we going to teach you every lesson and tips one by one so make sure you read this blogpost at the and change your life now. [ 1 ] Wash your window  Your eyes show this world by your inner attitude we all have window for show actual reality in our life that's why if you complain for something you show your attitude to world

Quotes that change your life | life changing quotes | 16 quotes for about change in life | onelife2help blog

We love to listen word that give us motivation and inspiration and that word are change our life totally and you know what every single word change your life and you so that important to choose word wisely and keep implement in our life and quotes are really such important to change in our life and every successful people have them powerful quote that change in your life. So,in this blogspot we look some quotes that change your life and you and as we first tell that every single word make such huge different in your life and quotes are wod that push more toward your goal and life ethics so make sure you read this blog at the end . Quotes by jay sheety  Jay Shetty is an Indian British author, former monk, and purpose coach. As the host of the podcast On Purpose, his guests have included Alicia Keys, Khloe Kardashian, and Kobe Bryant, resulting in 64 million downloads.  [1]    “Swap ‘Why is this happening to me?’ to ‘What is this trying to teach me?’. It will change everything.”   - Jay