How to build successful website ?| 8 simple step for make your site successful run smoothly | onelife2help blog

World are run so fast and day to day new product and technology are lunch thanks to internet help us to find our problem solution in online just in second and we all know in online there are two way company or person are online and serve them service first is website and second is application we all know thousands and crore website are there but they never show at top of search just because people are not taking them service no but just because they don't know how one successful website is create and run.


so,in this post we look 7 step that you follow and successfully create your website as well as make revenue from that website so make sure you read this blog at the end .

Step 1 :- Find problem in Market   

You know what there are lot of problem are there in each industry and so many company and people are word so hard to soul that kind of problem and always remember there no scope if you don't define your purpose and strong solution for people that's why find big problem in market keep write it down all the problem that are there market .


Each website and business are run for soul people problem and people are pay you more if you make them work easy and simple that's why any industry you are work find big problem in market that's first step you take before you go online to make website.

Step 2 :- Analyze all the possibilities 

After you find a big problem that most of people are face now you looking for analyze the all the direction behind your website and keep find some useful data for make people life easy and simple when you analyze all the direction we will show where some stage i change my process or implement any other thing.


Remember your analyze process are give you perspective that there are so many company and people are there and they have already solution but they make some mistake and that mistake are not show by  them but you analyze them process you get solution and keep soul them mistake.

Step 3 :-System Design

 When you analyze all the possibilities for  website now you ready to make diagram for your system design in this you set the symbol and diagram to showcase the how user and data are flow when the user are come in our site system design is show the picture behind your website how and when data are flow and data are insert ,update and delete.


There are so many software are use for make system design like Microsoft office, Microsoft Visio and many more you can easy just take symbol and drag and drop and add text what symbol are for when you have your system design you know that where and how process that we make and developer also easy and simple way understand your system design.

Step 4 :- Choose Front and Back language and database that you use

 After you complete your system design now developer work is start and developer have language to choose and also database to store data and activity of particular user if create your individual and don't know which language are front end and which are back so you can click here to know difference and language list of back end and front end.


You also need the database software and most of developer are use MySQL database this software is easy and very understand to pass any query of user have  like insert, delete or update MySQL support that kind of queries . 

Step 5 :- Mention purpose and reason why people are use your website or product 

There are already website are run where so many people are come and buy service from them website there are bunch of website and application is there who sell all thing are in online but amazon ,flipkart and myntra are top site that most of people are just because they give reason and value why you buy from us amazon give you quality of product and flipkart give you fast ,easy and customer satisfaction so make sure when you create you website mention your purpose and goal .


Every single customer have so many choice to take service or product to any site but user always find some new thing and every site have same thing so make sure you give more that what any other site is give mention reason why people are buy from your site why you best from them.

Step 6:- Make Everything ESF

Be always set thought when you sit to create your site that user have don't time for your website they need every very easy ,simple and fast that's why always implement process with easy tool and menu that user can directly access them very easy way use everything in simple way.

Never include any complicated thing in your life apple always understand that complicated thing are never go far in future that why they always increase simplicity them every product they have so that's make every process easy, simple and fast for user.

Step 7:- Launch your Site gate feedback

You know what everything is start with small but day to day it will increase and update are make site more powerful so make sure you did not wait for perfect time to set all the thing perfect just lunch your site and take feedback from people where your site need some kind of improvement.

So, make sure  never wait for perfect time and sources just launch your site after you launch your site it's need keep improvement and feedback help you find where your site need change or remove something that user don't need. 



There is end of today BlogSpot hope you take some kind of knowledge and learning from this post about how successful website create and run. 

So if this post helpfull to make sure you share with it and non-it buddies and any kind of suggestion or feedback you have you can mail us we are love to hear your thought.

thanks you for your time and energy for read this blog.

-Onelife2help (Team)


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