How to be maintain positive attitude in your life ? | 5 way to be positive | lesson by Jeff Keller | onelife2help blog| read now!

In this world every  one pass through them problem and pain but most of human life is surround in lot of opinion and rejection  people are so angry for every single thing happened in them life ya we all have two types of attitude positive and negative you know what most of people are always look thing in negative way that's why them life is suffer and they also suffer so in this BlogSpot we talk about how you maintain positive attitude in your life which way to maintain positive attitude in your life and also feel change in your life and that's all tips are from book attitude is everything by Jeff Keller.


so, as we talk about in our header section now we going to teach you every lesson and tips one by one so make sure you read this blogpost at the and change your life now.

[ 1 ] Wash your window

 Your eyes show this world by your inner attitude we all have window for show actual reality in our life that's why if you complain for something you show your attitude to world if you complain for something is reflect negative attitude for particular situation you face in this author tell that when i wash my eyes window a new whole world opened for me the frustration and depression is lifted i had more confident for the first time in many year i could see the magnificent possibilities that life had to offer.

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Every time focus where you going to wrong and wash your window of negativity and find opportunities and lesson from your life more importally ,are you beginning to see those areas where your window needs to be washed.

"You can't always control circumstance but you can control your own thought ."

 - Charles Poppleton 

[ 2 ] You control your attitude

 We all learn from everyone and for sure it's important but at the end you put of experience them all lesson and learning from yourself because no one become success without facing actual situation and failure author tell us that it's not easy to face hard situation and problem in life but if you maintain your attitude you show the positivity around you to choose one's attitude in any circumstance that is positive attitude when it's all said and done you and you alone control your attitude.

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 You limit your life when you not control you attitude in right way and find something that actually matter in your life author friend friend tell such a deep thought " A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstance ,but rather a person set with a certain set of attitude".

" There are nothin either good or bad but thinking makes it so". -William Shakespeare   

[ 3 ] Turn your problem into blessing

Every time we focus on problem and you know we all know that problem in life is never go from our life they always come to teach new lesson our life when you have positive intent in every problem you find blessing and learning from particular problem you face author tell us you will face period of uncertainty or struggle but there always a flip side to the difficulty you see problem is often not a problem at all it may be an opportunity you make to improve certain condition in your life without problem ,you never taken this positive action.



Remember this lesson in your life and go in past when you feel that this or problem not going set my life and today help of past problem you come today best paths or place where you actual find lot of blessing and happiness that's why always point your mind in blessing rather than problem in your life.

" It is a rough road that leads to the height of greatness" - Seneca  

[ 4 ] Stop compiling

 If  you really think and deep dive into your complain towards your life that not make any sense as a human in our life when your complain for something it not be like that if you complain is going be good after your complain it's truth is, nobody likes to be around a complainer and people are not ready to share them experience who always complain in them life remember that.

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 Most people are fail and not grow in them life because when you complaining for something you point out to yourself and life to stop in growth way but when you stop complain in your life you go as far as you did not expect always implement give and give rule never stop to take from back or complain why they not give that i do for them because it's stop in your life and not give paths way you go.

"The secret of happiness is to count your blessing while others are adding up their troubles". 

- william penn 

[ 5 ] Make a commitment and you will move to mountains!

 Our commitment is something is secret of our success and happiness when you commit yourself to be always humble and maintain positive attitude your life you show change in you because mind tell you do this thing and don't do this thing and when you find success in your life commitment let you so far in your life journey author tell us you must be committed to do something before you'll persist to achieve it once you made commitment your goal ,you will follow through with relentless determination and action until you attain the desired result.



 Commit yourself for not give up or quite in life problem and struggle you handle in your life continues be progress in your life with help of commitment you can do that champ keep going.

" One person with commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest "
 -Mary Crowley 


So, that is end  of today blogspot hope you find some good value of content and life learning for how you maintain positive attitude in your life.

-if you have any kind of feedback or suggestion tell us for this comment or mail we love to hear your thought .

-Thanks you so much for visit us and give your valuable time and energy .

-Onelife2help (Team)




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