Some Best Advice Every 18-20 Year old People Follow for Make them life Better | advice for student |onelife2help blog

 Today world is all about young people world and it's really important that as a young person of our country we  are contribute on economy and growth there are lot of sector we are going to so far and make so much change in international level our basic foundation of doing something is start from our young age where we are take education in college and meet different type of people who achieve some hype in them life so that everything is come and our foundation of doing something is start and one thing that every young people remember that "Being young is fire and that fire goes anywhere you must make focus where that fire go".

As young person we are not have some kind of maturity and experience to understand every aspect of life very better way and we making so much mistake that always important for growth so take part from them we are going to give some advice for every 18-20 old age people for make them life better and going to chase what matter most in life.

Advice for18-20 year old people

Here are below some advice we are mentioned that help you to make your journey better for upcoming days and weeks.

[ 1 ]  Not Compare to others

One the habit that kept from our childhood is that we are always compare marks and everything from others and fill low about us that habit never let you up in your life and in mostly college time we are compare with others every time for this we don't find who we are and what my passion that i really looking to work and make change in people life once you stop compare yourself to others you have so many opportunity doors that waiting for you.

stop compare to others!

when you compare you say no to yourself and fill that i am nothing to do or i am very unclever person so that belief are stop you to from your growth that's why from today stop compare and start focus on your game.

[ 2 ] Run for Excellence compare to mark

This is simple advice everyone know but when you talk about implement that habit in your life it's not work because we are just say that dude don't do everything just focus on thing and put all energy and work on that but we are not actually work more one that excellence is something that you achieve through put hours and hours on something that you are really passionate about that in education level very young people follow this advice that run long as you are for excellence but don't be stuck on mark they are never define you.

run for excellence

Now you tell mark is also important but once you have excellence about something you are successfully get marks you wont that's why excellence important to build skillful and powerful mind .

[ 3 ] Gather Experience from people 

When we are talk about 18-20 year old people they all are student who are take education from different college and schools and as student we don't have any kind of experience for working with people and how our market is work but in this time we are meet so many different type of people and that people such huge amount of experience that really help us to make our life better and easy that's why when we take education not only take book related details talk to people who you meet and your teacher we are already know the how thing are gone work so your all doubt are soul.

gather an experience

We are leave in people world and that people have such huge amount of experience you are going to take that experience from them and that talk really help to our come your problem solution.

[ 4 ] Define your own success

You show many example in society that people who have lot of money and everything but they did not leave happy of healthy life just because they are never define them success they take defined success from others people and in this world we are tell people successfull if they have lot of money ,car and everything and that defined success we also kept in our mind but you has to stop to join that of group you have your own definition toward success that's mean you define that what thing that i achieve in my life and when i achieve that thing that is my success help of this you have focused mind and working on your own defined success.

define your own success

It's not that if you have not money you are not successful people also without or less money they all are happy and enjoy life them defined success is that we are going be happy in everyday that's it.

[ 5 ] Replace problem word from struggle 

At this young age we are dealing with so many thing like education, family,friend and worry about getting job after education that all kind of thing we are give name is that problem once ask young people they never said i have no problem they have long list of problem with are crate by him/her or external resource create from problem in them life but you must have positive mind toward at this level where are nothing but once your focus and consistency in come you are going to show yourself at very high level of position but it's all happen if you replace problem word from struggle and that struggle day by day make you more sharp and hard to dealing with thing that going happen in your life.

replace word problem to struggle

People who are today successful in them life they never said we have this or that kind of problem but they always have positive approach toward life and that approach make them successful people in world.

[ 6 ] Build patience mind

Mostly now in young generation our attention span going very low day by day because of social media use and all we are exist from any website if that website take just few second of load just because that now are people are get everything very quickly and easy and that attitude we also implement in our all aspect of life but in reality everything take time to happen and if you don't wait for that time and move away from that path so you have face lot of damage happen in you life that's why at student level you must build patience mind for wait for everything that work on your advantage. 

build patience mind

Get success in life is very easy to wait for that success day come in your life you must have patience within you to not down in low moment and going against you make thing very quickly everything take time and that time count by you patience mind .

We are young people are young people have courage to do whatever he or she think but it's really important that you put so many thing make this happen and equally contribute for this world .



So,that is all about this blog we that you share this blog and this all advice really change your life if you implement in your life .

If you have any kind of suggestion toward this blog you free to comment and you can also mail us we reach you hear you.

- Thanks you and Do your best for in this golden time of period.




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