how to grow in your life| 5 tips for change your life and you | onelife2help blog

You know that most us are tell us that they wish they can grow in them life one day and successful in life but when you ask they what they do for achieve that goal or dream so them action is zero so there is point we tell that every have wish to grow in them life but they don't take any action and assume that one day everything is ok but you wrong at the end life your hand just disappointment and failure just because you don't grow in your life and stay same place where nothing can change.

how to grow in life photo/onelife2help

So,we are talk about self improvement tips to how you grow in life and tips you must follow to change your life as well you so make sure you implement that all tips and action we discuss in this blogspot and read at the end of blog.

here,we start our first tip to change your life..

[ 1 ]  Listen podcast 

 Day to day new technology and change make difference in our day to day life as we know how video consume in India YouTube always check by user and spend lot of hours for entertainment and knowledge so make sure you now listen podcast every single person who achieve some success in them life you can now join Ranveershow or on purpose of jay sheety any other some big platform are there and Spotify is one of the best platform to listen podcast and consume experience every single person.

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First tip is all about you must go some deep conversion of successful people experience them knowledge and life incident that happened in them life go YouTube or Spotify to start change in you and your life. 

[ 2 ] Read  successful people biography     

As we talk about on first tip deep knowledge and learning always important in your life and we all are listen  some famous biography that every big or small person is read that show the importance of biography how that impact in our life that why at earlier stage of your consume some best experience of successful who have some an amazing they all are face learn from them journey.


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Biography tell us the behind journey of every single successful we are suggest you some best biography you must read Steve job yogi biography ,long walk to freedom,wings of fire that biography of apj abdual kalam   so make sure you start read the best biography of every successful to grow and show change in your life.  

[ 3 ] Audio book listen

We all heard that line that book is our best friend and you become good if you make friendship with you become good and grow in life that why every successful know the importance of book now technology make us work so easy we can just open story and start our audio book with voice of someone and gain some valuable content and knowledge when you make habit of listen audio book we grow day to day to listen journey and inner thought they tell them book. 

audio book listen photo.png/onelife2help

Book are also good option as you are free and take time to read every single page of book but if you not so you can download some audio book that we suggest top 3 audio book that avaible in play store so first is Gigl  and you also check them youtube channel where every video on Sunday of summary of some famous book second is yebook also check youtube channel and third is audible by amazon .

[ 4 ]  be become more curious

If you really curious about how everything happened in this world and always ask question for how this or that thing are run so you are continues grow in your life because people are who have more curiosity they are really passionate about learn new new thing in them life if you never ask why and how this thing happened and going so never grow in your life that's why be passionate about ask curious question you and this world.

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our mind is empty and mind need some task to do in free time that's why whenever you free or take time to ask question for everything what around you make statement of how and find question answer curiosity make person more intelligence for learn new things so be build habit of ask why and how question every single day of your life.

 [ 5 ] Be hungry for knowledge


When you are some position where you gate so many knowledge and learning but now you are some big position where you don't need that kind of learning so you are stay always limited in your life we all know some one person who just know single limited source of journey and always repeat time knowledge and learning because when you stop getting knowledge from people and source you always be become person with just limited amount of knowledge and learning.

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When we challenge your self to be continues grow in your life you don't be settle on limited thing you always still going no matter whatever happen in your life so this is reason that never stop learning always go as far as your self can perform.


 this is end of today blogspot hope you find some valuable content and knowledge from this tips we discuss .

if you have any kind of question or feedback make sure you comment or send us email we are really happy to hear you.

thankful for give your time and energy to read this blog  keep grow keep shine !

-thanks you (Dear viewer)

-onelife2help (Team)



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