5 major problem that India face | what action we take | onelife2help blog

India is one the most growing country we all know and India is country where so many religion and history are created India  is south Asia place where people are come from far to enjoy our relih and template or visit our historical Template of India.

India have to side first is bright and second is dark in bright side India is take so much growth in every industry an every County India was have legend are like Apj abdul Kalam , Swami Vivekananda and God who lead Arjun in him war Supreme Krishna but in dark side India has face so many problem that mostly talk by people but never take any action by government and India.

5 major problem of India photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

So, in this blogspot we talk about India major five big problem that we are relly discuss and what action we take as a part of this historical County and if you like this blogspot make sure you share this to your friends and family.

( 1 ) unemployment 

•one the biggest problem of India is that day to day people are lose job Day to day unemployment rate go on high also this year 2020 Covid - 19 so many lose them job yes equally government don't have job or opportunity to give young people we all Know so many people are read 5 to 6 year continue to gate job of government but them all work are go on flow no one hear them why because we run for always same side where all people are run.

Unemployment photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• so many scam we show about exam of government like paper link or cheat in exam it's all come from politics side but we don't have power Rise voice to them political things.

what action we take ?

- we don't depend on government job we must build mindset of bussiness or startup to provide more job to other and contribute in society and economy to pay Money and job to people who actually deserve for them hard work.

( 2 ) Lack of education 

• it's not about that taking only school or college degree it's all about Know something what make us more intelligent person and help of this intelligence we learn so many things to all but most and in school or college we all learn only historical things yaa it's important but we never experience practical things in our life and most of people are say that I know everything i don't need to gain education also people who does not enough money to educate them son in private school or college them left them that's why Lack of education we face.

Lack of education photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• lack of education show such a big problem because most we show people are who scam by bank call or any scam because people are doesn't know how to react a deal this kind situation.

What action we take?

- be more aware about our education and if you have any kind of special or extra ordinary skill you must teach people and educate more and more.

( 3 ) women safety 

• people are talk this problem when they show some treading news about women raped by x people and showing this people go in social media put story and with hashtag #justice and give option blame government and God for this but point that why this thing happened again and again because people are now have power of political things and influence from movie and strema platform show women harassment and that's all going in our subconscious mind .

Women safety photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• political parties and people who have power they use them power for do that's kind of bad thing I mean we ask to our self that when is end of this kind of thing and women are going anywhere anytime without any fear we has  to think .

You also Check our blog about women safety solutions Link of women safety

What action we take ?

- help of online platform we build an army of for women safety build platform where that's platform provide Totally protection to women community now you it's not possible but onces time we take that kind of step to safe women government also support and collaborate with you but you have good and solid team to handle all things and take rugu to government to punish people who break rules.

( 4  ) Government long process

•we all once time relly experience government long process for single document or service we need we go any government office we are really frustrated to wait bunch hours to complete or gate Government process .

Government long process photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• reason behind Government process long and slow process is that government never invest in particular technology or some place we show extra ordinary technology but that thing not work perfectly that's people are leave from that's kind of thing and another reason is man power government employee always take document and round and round to next table.

What action we take ?

- bulid online platform of government process and invest in Server or may require thing First and shift offline service to online .( use of website/app take right and privacy policies from government).

( 5  ) Not balanced population

• that's line always we heard from people that rich get richer day by day and poor people more poor day by day we don't have equal skill and knowledge that's why we show such a big different Between poor vs rich it's not about government it's all things come from us where we are not seem people equally and judge them from them financial problems and face it's make such big difference because sometimes we don't give opportunity to middle class person who actually deserve job or opportunity.

Not balanced population photo /onelife2help.blogspot.com

• people who are have so much money or fame they got change or grab opportunity First and poor and middle classe people sit and wait for next opportunity That's why we show that India Population is not balanced.

What action we take ?

- Crete platform or organization who stand for give equal change and opportunity to every single person it's doesn't matter who people are there rich or poor or middle they all deserve equally change to do them best .

Conclusion from this Blogspot

- it's all point we relly think and then push on in our blog topic it's important to that if we talk good about our country so we also know or talk about our weakness and dark thing that happened in our County.
- that's five major problem are relly brake our economy plus our growth and we definitely think about that and say that " Hame fark padta hai".
- hope you got all point from this Blogspot.



-So that is end of today blog and understand this five problem and Action we take .

- Thanks you so much for visit us and give your golden time to read our blog Stya connect us with in new blog update .

- if you have any kind of feedback or suggestions you give us to our team you comment or mail us we are love to hear you.

- Thanks you for visit! 

(Onelife2help team )


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