The 4 points you must figure out shift your offline business online

Now ,world and people are more and more Stya to online compare to offline store or business and our growing industry update day by day make so much different between online and offline.

At the time of this pandemic and our situation right all are shift them businesse online but then not make any plan or strategy before go online if you don't shift your offline business into on-line believe you miss such a big opportunity of this growing world and society have offline business you just have limited customer base and not so much revenue for your business.

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So,it is much more important to take that all opportunity of this world and make your Good brand value of your site if you don't run with world you lose your whole value and skill you have its all equal to zero remember that.

So many people are go online and suddenly back to offline and Stya away from this digital world because they don't know how all things is work so firstly you make figure out this 4 things first when go online and how to increase your sell or productivity we post blog soon Stay connect with us !

In this blog we soul your first stage of shifting your offline business into on-line business to give you 4 point to figure out first Then start your online journey ...
                      We look that's 4 point one one by so let's get start are you ready to go online let's we Go!

#1 Your Goal

• it's most important point for your online journey you know your actual goal behind to come in online world what thing to sell or give to people online and What is purpose and services you provide to online customer that's why you First decide your goal what I do for online may be you have product or service that you have to sell or may be gain more Traffic on your site and attract to more and more people what is your goal ?

•so First you must know your goal before go online and online game is much more depend on what value you provide and what your goal to serve people so that people come your online business and shop or website you have.

Tip 1 :your goal behind to come online (The 4 tips for shift offline to online)

• if you have already have smll business shop or any kind of locally you exist you must sign InGoogle my bussiness for more and more engagement to people List your shop on indexing.

#2 Audience segmentation

• as a shop owner or any service you know that which is customer daily come in my offline store or service that I have but in online you don't know first stages time during when you just start a new business online you don't know where is my audience come for example if you have shop like for site for glossary of all so apcurse you accept women are come and Stya with my shop or site I have ( to spending time on your site is calling metrics) another example for Audience segmentation is that you have online shop for man collection so you prepare for man to Stya more and more in your site or shop on online.

• As it in our above example is show Audience segmentation that know by you before you go online because in future audience is main source of your all feedback and suggestions .

Tip 2:audience segmentation (The 4 tips for shift your offline business in online)

• so that's thing you must know before you go online and every business success is them audience or customer satisfaction when you know your actual audience it help you to re-targeting to people who interested on your site or shop .

•Google provide them product for help that you must use to it when you online Google search console or Google anylitics that's help you collect your all site data and audience attractions towards your particular site or shop you have.

#3 Strong and easy process for customer

• you notice that people are hate long process of any service and product that's he/she buy as think like customer point of view your shop or site customer have no time to your shop or site for wait long processing they gate very fastly and easy to access your all things in offline in online Also same but you run that game help of coding and check out your site speed or any service you have you must make shorter and shorter process for your online customer every can access your site or shop online and easy to access to all .

•For this you check your plugin or any service processing cycle say to your developer team to increase your site speed or service so that customer Stya with you in your site .

Tip:3 Strong and Easy to access process for customer (The 4 tips for shift offline business into on-line)

• According to Google If your site load more than 10 or 15 sec so people are left your site and check out another site for check your site speed you use 
Google site speed  or may be another tool available in market.

• make sure your all process are easy to access and speed of your site faster for Good customer experience.

#4 Find right platform to place your online business

• After complete below 3 things you now ready to choose your platform that you place your site or Web presence so that people are find you  and explore your site or shop experience on online you have so many platform for your particular business you have if you love to write articles on offline to now you go to Blogger or make your own Blog help of developer if you have offline shop for sell your products so you sell your products or Amzon India or Flipkart India or if you don't take part of them you bulid your personal app or website use of WordPress without any coding knowledge or hire web development team to manage all things.

Tip 4: find right platform for your bussiness ( The 4 tips to shift your offline bussiness to online)

•remember it's doesn't matter where you have to set up your business but first priority goes to customer and feedback of your business and make sure don't work for money work for good  customer experience and value.



- Thanks you so much for visit our blog!

- Hope you learn something from this blogspot.

- if you have any feedback please comment we glad to hear you.

- Also stay tune upcoming blogspot and gain knowledge.

-Best of luck for your online journey keep hustle man!

• Good wishes for Nikhil(Team)


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