5 Effective way to get instagram followers tips to increase your followers on Instagram - onelife2help

Social media is the one the most growing platform as we all know all in this Socia media platforms most useful and loveable platform is Instagram each and every people in Instagram a business,a filmmaker ,a cricket ,a entrepreneurs ,a football every single person in Instagram and have so much engagement toward to people in this platform having lot of followers in every individual social platform is show your brand identity and we all know people make millions of for just one post.

Now you say that I don't have Millon of followers and as I honest even I don't have Millon of followers in Instagram but our team figure out all people case study who are have Millon of followers and how they engage people in them profile so this blog about ' 5 tips for gain or increase Instagram followers 'but before we start we look one most repeated question.

5 effective way to gain your Instagram followers tips you follow / blog banner / onelife2help.blogspot.com/

Why you need so many followers in Instagram?

 I know you don't have Millon of followers but having 500 people and that's 500 people are still genuine for your all content and relly engage on your profile all time love your content and true for your profile so this good engagement you have.

Having so many followers you make money for collaborate to brand say them that I have xyz followers and my engagement is xyze you can give your product and you can pay for my engagement and followers i have this is main reason to having so many followers in Instagram .

So ,we look one by one top for " how to increase your Instagram followers "  are you ready for gain followers ..
                    Let's we Go..


• you know what people are judge by you  from your profile that's way you make your profile very well eye catching and use different profile photos not just for like animals or someone photo you use high quality profile photo and second most important is story highlights cover that give visitors your celar image of your life and things you have done in your life .

• story highlights is must be pop up And eye catching cover so people are more engaging in your profile or page you have use photo with colourful background and use colourful cover for your story highlights.

5 Effective way to gain Instagram followers and tips you follow/ first point/ make good profile setup / background photo image / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• you show clearly image About how you set up your profile picture in your Instagram profile or page you have .

• How to make circle profile ? And for this you use very popular most customise app you use is Canva for editing for every platform content must check it!.

5 effective way to gain Instagram followers tips you follow / story highlights cover photo / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• As you show above image it's crucial Is to use colourful story highlights cover and must mention your title According to story you post.

• How to make instagram story covery highlight ? Its clear and useful video make your highlights covers.


• Most of people don't give clear reason to follow him/her  that's why people just visit your profile or page not getting any information about your they see and let's from your profile  you Know what people are spend time in Instagram to gain more and more knowledge and education or any skill you share that's one the best tool you use to give your reason to follow you is bio you give perfect text about your life ,work,expirence and skill you have what thing you serve to people through your profile or page you have include below thing in your bio.

5 effective way to gain Instagram followers  tips you follow / second point / give people reason to follow you / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• in image you show we describe what thing you include in your profile about your plan future and skill you have mention your social media platforms you have .

• you figure out your self who you are and explore your Bio idea what shoutble for your profile and page you have .


• After doing both things a good attractive profile image and information bio now you set your feed theme (post) in every popular profile or page you show they maintain a clear and 3 in row fees themes maintain that's why when people are come they show that this Person doing different things and put lot of work make content so they follow you to show your post or feed theme you maintain.

5 effective way to gain your Instagram followers  tips you follow / third point / maintain your feed theme / onelife2help.blogspot.com

• perfect explain in above image you see we maintain a clear 3 in row theme that's catch your attention and when you chacek our profile more more Instagram algorithm set your site on search bar so people are come your site Again and again this is power of maintaining your feed theme.

• igtv is next YouTube so you also work on that well serve people more and more content and maintain clear and eye catching feed them of your .

• for your check this link to How to maintain instagram feed for your site or page ? Check this our helpful for you.


• You don't have gain followers immediately you maintain your consistency about your content and push update on your profile or page you have day by day post something about your day or Work you did in your daily life one of most important tool is story use and delivery your whole today life thing story is all time see by most of people.

5 effective way to gain Instagram followers tips you follow/ fourth point / consistencly active use story all features/ onelife2help.blogspot.com

•use all story features like askme,reels , polls,and most useful feature is mention use Instagram business card so people are more engage your account and content you provide ok.


• it's cheap tip but it's part of this game of gaining followers it's use on beginning level focus you have some people who are targeted audience in every day morning go to search bar type your niches related #hashtag go go recent post comments on them if you have time you comment on maximum 20 page Daily but remember give genuine comment don't comments any other thing what not in particular post help of this recent posted person come and show your and then go to your profile and check to your content and skill you have.

5 effective  way to gain Instagram followers tips you follow / fifth point / everyday day comment on your niche related profile or page

• going in recent posts you comment if particular person have good post so dm and appreciate them work and content they post bulid good connection for them for example you in 100 people in one month come in your profile or page and 10 people follow you so your one month's follower count is 310 I know cheap technique but as a say above it's part of game .

So , here is end of this blogspot about how to increase your Instagram followers we must say that use that 5 tips daily keep explore day by day content for your site and profile you have.



- Thanks you so much for visit us and read this blogspot we Hope that's you time investment give you knowledge and give Good experience to read this blog.

- Best wishes for your upcoming future and Start your social media journey.

- stay tune for upcoming blogs and if you have any kind of feedback please comment we are love to hear you.

- -NIKHIL(Team)




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