The 4 worst mistakes of life at age 16-30!

we have life and in life so many things happened in our day by day activity and mistake are part of our life and this blogspot we find out what mistake we did in our daily life.

 mistakes are normal but when you talk about career mistake you must be serious about of THAT and look for your future onr mistake will destroy your whole carrier and future journey.

The 4 worst mistakes banner this we look 4 worst mistakes that you avoid it and keep Aware is that we look one by one point In depth..
         let's start with our first mistake.....

#1 Not networking

• how much you succeed in depend on your net-worth not but for your Network every person who way successfully in them life of Making money more and more they have huge Network of people who believe and trust him/her without network you don't be succeed.

•so this is first worst mistake that did by people they think I grow my own carrier without any people need that's wrong things you must  build your Network in every industry where you work ok.

Not networking - the 1 worst mistake
• you can build your social presence in every where and you must to Crete Linkedin or Instagram for connect more and more network who people love to work together.

#2 Run for money not for passionate work!

• it is one of repeated mistake that did by people they are wokr for money compare him/her self to it is give me always true feeling work for particular industry or organisation it is fun for me ask yourself  it's not about how much money you have in every month on your it about how much you Passionate what's thing you Passionate thing what's you love to do if about how much you Passionate about how much passionate about you work .

Run for money not for work 2 mistake

•so always Remember what's things love to do any time you don't gate any problems love to what's you Have keep measure your life mistake and keep Aware for IT.
• you must know about what passionate work you do for you life Important of passionate man! .

#3 Not developing your own self and brand value

• so many people are happy for what's knowledge and skill he /she have they don't develop any other things they just happy for what's he/she know and learn as that is biggest mistake he/she did developing your self amd your band value.

•always important for your short time life people just know the field or industry knowledge and think that I know everything moral of that's topic increase your brand value keep show your skill to people for that what's you work and what is your responsibility This lead to your brand value.

Not developing self and brand value 3 mistake

• you must know that our world is very fastly change you must try to find and explore new things Developing skill ! And keep more and to exploring your skills.

#4  Not value Time 

•yes I know we don't have time for anything this world we run for job and keep wasting time for in other activities which is not made for us every fields and industry just give Money to work on hours and hope you read this blog till that point thanks you for your Time.

•point is that we say to people that we don't have listen you all things I have work and we actually never take our time seriously all things that give you just temporary happiness to gate success in your life always value of time because person who value Time time give your value that's you deserve 
Not value time lasg mistakes

• every time you think that time is money and that's money never by time so always give importances go your time and keep value your every single moment!
• you must check out this article can also Time for value .

- Thanks you so much for visit our blog and we are glad for that you visit our page and thanksfull doe time and attention that you give you to read this blog.
--Nikhil(Team )
-Thanks you!


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