Be happy with what you have

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everything you have in your life say thanks to God and family who give you what you need in every situation greatfull to God who give you LIFE.

But sometimes your problem and situation makes you so week and that's weakness lead you more and more week and people are complain to God and them situation what's going happened so listen my friend so many people don't have life like you go and visit station and city you show many people who struggle with them life and you complain that God give this life and argument everytime and think for them because they also deserve better life like you.

For that's kind of problem here is 5 principal for you help you outcome that problem.

Tap to follow this principal


If you happy in your life don't compare you self to other people and don't be jealous for them it more important to take your self to some comfort zone don't go to every time compare your self.

So,as a good person don't compare your life to OTHER here is some tips you follow

  • Accept your self
  • Be thanksfull what you gain your life
  • Be smile in every situation
  • Look for always good in every terrible situation

So every time say your self I am much more happy what I have in my Life.

2. spiritual thing is important
You Know what is biggest thing that makes you so much happy and give so much positivity to around you it is spiritual thing yes this is biggest factor that effect you do  something nice and motivate you that's kind of thing makes you so much happy and make a humble person who believe in God.

Here,some tip you do in spiritual thing

  • Go to spiritual places
  • Visit temple
  • Enjoy the nature & learn from nature life
  • Go to meditation
  • Connect to God
  • Greatfull to God 

Spiritual thingking is mid point to connect to God so more do spiritual thing.

Here,is video you like to show relaxing your self lord Krishna

3.spend time with your loved onces

This is so important to gate a happy to always take a part of your family and friends who around you and give so much happiness they people are who are always reason of your single smile your life is depend of that how you outcome all problem and struggle so you could find in your loved onces.

Follow below tip to part of your family
  • Take time for your family 
  •  your family time 
  • Part all the family moment 
  • Always give priority to your family first

As above photo say all the things that you gate in your life .
So,always make time for family and create your Best memory.

Website that you has to visit



When you look for happy life so you always be kind with people and give them so much respect
Thanks to everyone who reason of your smile and be kind because yourself is also is part of that life cycle today is you student but next few years you gate job so now you independent employee and it is very important show yourself always kind person because not people are like you because you look yourself very kind person.

Here,is tip you follow to become a kind person

  • Be kind don't look  you are big personality
  • Treat pet friendly and loving them
  • Every one show with the same stage
  • Don't matter what's background you come
A people with kindest is always deserve you so much happiness in them. So be KIND WITHOUT ANY REASON.

Follow this website be a kind person this run to your emotions.


People are so much trouble in them life so it is more important to help everyone because when you look for happy life you give what you don't have and  become reason of someone smile this thing give you so much positivity and motivate them you deserve happy life and also help people is satisfied your self as a good person.

Here ,is thing you do 

  • Help everyone who around you
  • Think they also deserve better life
  • See your self for as a helpful person
  • Keep humble nature. 

Here is two Hands together so it so important to help everyone who around you and give them respect .

Video that you must watch


Here you Going to liavey your Best life and most importantly things is always greatfull two things your family and God who this life.

Thanks you!


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