How to overcome depression?

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 Depression,that simple word destroy our whole life and pushing us to some difficult situation.

   So,here I have 5 principal for to overcome the situation of depression.


And I we alll know we have problems in our life but it is important to deal with them and don't lose our help this is whole life give is all about accept situation you have and learn from it.

So,this above some kind of thing that push our self to depression so most important factor is think positive what situation come in to life every single positive thing made you more stronger and stronger most of Time depression Is come to relationship and failure problem so how to overcome that?

So,i recommended you don't think I am not doing that as a mention impossible is nothing you think always positive all is done for some nice things that you gate.

Think positive ,be positive.


A family is only thing that always with us so be part of your family in depression situation.
Some best tip I have to advise to you guys do it.

  • At least spend time with you family 1 hour
  • Give important to your family
  • Love your family
  • Be active for family
  • Do for your family.
Every depression situation is come from your dipper mind and feeling of thinking alone so we has to be with your family and don't found your family to be alone it is only thing that help you in every depression situation.

Depression situation is some lession to you have to learn it is important take situation as good thing

Here,is website for your family


Depression person think so long situation and think about them past what is happening so it is important to avoid our long run thinking.

Some,below thik you must be avoid in depression And be happy

  • Don't think your past
  • Don't lose your hope
  • Stop telling yourself unlucky
  • Don't avoid your present moment 
  • Think for them who care

Worries is reason if our depression so it is important to don't be worries every thing that happend in your life.

A photo tells everything that don't be Panic and smile front of the whole world.


you saw lot of film's about that kind of seeen like a main character when have in depression that hero go far away and enjoy and feel so much of nature vibes the best part of your life is we have live so Have busy to build money and that money and problem is push us to depression so it is important feel the around nature we have go and feel it 

Some,tips to feel nature

  • Wake up early &feel nature
  • Spend time go mountain&alone roads
  • Listen them very silently
  • Close your eyes heard silence of nature 
  • Thanksfull to God what you give in your life

This is a every tips you follow you found you in nature as world greatest person who successful they all much importance for them and mention in them book to enjoy nature vibes say that"कुदरत ही भगवान है"।

  I recommend one film that you learn so much for our life and feel the nature and happiness


books are our best friend so every situation you soul to read book book give strong believe and faith and overcime depression and this book change your whole life .

Some, best book you has to read In depression situation

  • Control your depression -peter lewinshon
  • One edge:a journey through anxiety -by Andrea Peterson
  • Felling good,the mood therapy -by David d.burns md

As mention is about books you has to read In every depression situation that difficult and overcome the situation and books are every time favorite and overcome alll the problems you had in your life.

Depression is feeling of losing your self that people face so in every stage so we has to overcome and think about our self positivity keep learn from the depression

Some,link I recommend you must to keep visit it

Second is all about our psychological situation

So,this is whole principal of how to overcome depression?I hope you like and I add some value In your life.

Thanks you!



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