five life lesson by swami vivekananda from monk journey -onelife2help blog -read now!

 we all have best leaders for this country in this leadership so many people are do much amazing work  and going to them path in this leaders one of the best and most energetic leader is Swami Vivekananda we all know them who they are and how become our country one the best leader plus mentor of this growing youth.

Swami Vivekananda photo /

In this blogspot we going to see top 5  life lesson you learn from swami Vivekananda and implement in your life before starting this Blog some below details about our Swami ji.

  • Born date :- 12 January,1863

  • place of Born :- Kolkata

  • Full name :- Narendra nath datta

  • Guru :- Ramakrishna Paramhansa

• death date :- 4 July,1902

So ,here we look one by one life Lesson of Swamiji you learn and keep find you answer of life keep Stya with us end of blogspot.

[ 1 ] Respect every religion of world

• in our County there are lot of religion and culture we follow and this our best thing that we Know by western County bug sometime people are blame or abuse someone religion that's not right and Swami Vivekananda Never talk or give option for religion he always respect every Religion and adopt them as his religion that's most powerful lesson from -swami ji that's why Respect every religion.

Respect every religion photo /

Quote by Swami Vivekananda 

• arise ,awake do not stop until the goal reached.

[ 2 ] Have Guru in your life 

• Every successfull leader of our country they all Have them mentor who help them to choose right path to find success and satisfaction that's why be have mentor/Guru in your life like Swami ji Guru name is Ramkrishana parmahans who give Swami ji value and vision for him life having guru for your life it's best thing you have because sometimes we stuck in our situation and problems but the only person who know our weakness and strength are give You right path for your life .

Have a Guru in your life photo /

Quote by Swami Vivekananda

• you Cannot believe In God until you believe in yourself 

[ 3 ] Know God in deep 

• we all have our day to day work and Thing and giving our best to shape our family food and needs Also provide healthy life style In this all things we never forget where we come and What is my purpose to be stya in this world and knowing God is best thing that you find in human lives swami ji strongly believe in God gheh always Meditate read book he try every path to know God in deep That's why this lesson say that at the end God is reality and truth is that know them going so deep of concept of God .

Know God In deep photo /

Quote by Swami Vivekananda

•  Truth can stated in a thousand different ways ,yet each one can be true .

[ 4  ] They live alone ,who lives for others 

• Mostly leaders of our country are them vision to give payback to society they always survive them life alone they all are very kind and always believe to lives for others Swami Vivekananda also live alone he gave Speech be tour big country where he give speech and spread knowledge of Bhagavad Gita and Karma yoga this lesson say that be live for others provide value and vision for give society What you have.

They live alone who lives for others photo /

Quote by Swami Vivekananda

• You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you.

[ 5 ] Follow your heart 

• most of all we driven things by our mind and mind is not control in our self sometimes mind give bad way of life and you must lesson your inner feeling what's your heart say what things give You feeling of joy and satisfaction push your self where you heart is going Swami Vivekananda always Follow him heart and do what actual heart give you love and devotion from people and God be heart your inner voice what's your heart say where he going to find satisfaction and joy .

Follow your heart photo /

Quote by Swami Vivekananda 

• The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.

 Conclusion of this blogspot

- There are lot of things we learn from swami Vivekananda and find success in our life .
- it's all lesson is must add value and vision in your life keep implement that's lesson by Swami Vivekananda.
- Thanks you so much Swami ji for all lesson and sacrifice for this County.



- Hope you enjoy this today blogspot and thanksfull to give your time and energy to visit us.
- if you have any kind of feedback or suggestions you have please tell us we are love to hear our family feedback and suggestions.
- Thanks you so much for visit us !
( onelife2help team).


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